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Meet Personal Trainer And Life Coach, Sue Aidone

Sue Aidone, a personal trainer and life coach, proudly tells her story and shares tips in the fitness industry.


Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Sue Aidone, I own a personal training business called FITAS Personal Training. My business has been operating for 5 years.

I work as a Personal Trainer and Life Coach I am aged 62 years. We have 4 trainers. FITAS offers personal training 1-1 or group training, corporate training, Life Coaching. We also have 14 classes per week. Boxing, Xtraining, Metafit, Pilates, Yoga & Qigong Meditation. We also have an 84 Day Challenge which includes personal training and an Alkaline diet.  We have a community atmosphere where relationships with clients and staff are nurtured.


How & why did you get into the fitness industry?

I first got interested in the fitness industry 20 years ago while having a personal trainer myself and began to love the gym culture. I wanted to educate as many people as I could on the benefits of exercise and nutrition.  I could see what was happening to some of my friends who were developing chronic illnesses and lack of mobility because of the lifestyles they chose.


Take us through a typical day for you?

These days I start at 8 am until 7.30 pm, not 6 am if I can help it. I spend a few hours a day with Personal training clients the rest of the day on the business such as admin, marketing. I am also the receptionist so taking care of clients and any new enquiries.


What were some of the biggest mistakes you made when starting out your business? And what should their focus be?

One mistake was purchasing some expensive equipment that has proved to be unnecessary.

Another mistake would be thinking ‘I can do it all’.  I had never had my own business before so there were a few trial and errors. I have learnt to call in the experts to take over things like bookkeeping, marketing etc.


What are some of the reasons your clients fail to hit their fitness goals?

The key to clients reaching their fitness goals is consistency and effort. Everyone needs support and encouragement and that is where we come in. Often clients expect amazing results overnight but it has taken years of bad habits that have got them needing help.  If they fall off the rails they need to forgive themselves and get back on track. They need to plan their meals and be consistent with their training.


What are some of your favourite exercises to do with a client?

I like incorporating some boxing.  I like to finish the session with a challenge such as 400metre sprint/20 jumps/20 sit-ups times x 2.


Any tips/suggestions for people looking to get into the fitness industry?

They need to have a passion.  To be hard working. To form good relationships with their clients but remain professional at all times. Money should not be the main focus as clients pick up on this.  You never stop learning so don`t think you know everything. Find a mentor and learn from them. Also, some clients could have certain injuries or conditions that you may not be qualified for, so they will need to be referred to an Allied Health Professional.


What do you think makes a personal trainer succeed in the long term?

Having integrity, compassion, commitment and reliability as well as good skills and knowledge.  It should be all about the client.


Any useful resources, tools, or books you can recommend?

Fitness Australia is a good resource. The internet.  There are many fitness Apps available.


Where can people get in touch with you?

Sue Aidone
Fitas Personal Training
Suite 3/8 Bromham Place, Richmond
0409 863355


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