Commercial Stair Climber

The Commercial Stairmaster is an innovative aerobic exercise machine. It allows you to develop your leg muscle groups and exercise by simulating the movement of climbing upstairs. These machines have the superior build quality, it is made of nothing but premium-grade materials to ensure it lasts continuous use from the commercial gym environment.

If you are after a tailored package to suit your needs, please send an email to or view our Commercial Gym Fit Outs page.


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Climbing the stairs is a workout choice that has been around from way back in time. In fact, it is still facilitated by some athletics teams, running up and downstairs for extended sessions to build their leg strength, all while getting a highly-efficient cardio exercise. However, while just going up and down the stairs is effective in and of itself, the risk of crashing down can be quite dangerous, especially when you’re sweating on the staircases and running through it at high velocities. Furthermore, you’d be directly in the way of any person who needs to use the staircase. For large, public stairs, you’d be actively looking to get bumped off by someone climbing down.

Be that as it may, climbing up and down the stairs is still a highly-beneficial workout, the perfect reason why gym equipment developers came up with a brilliant solution to this trouble with the Stairmaster. This machine has been out in the market since the early 1980s, and it has been improved and developed further over time and has become one of the best selling cardiovascular health-enhancing machines ever since. This machine also allows you to mimic the motion of climbing the stairs in an aerobic motion or pace without the potential risks and dangers of working out in staircases. It is a machine that is very effective at helping users perform workouts that are very beneficial and is also good for developing their leg muscles, particularly those in the quads, hamstrings, calves, and glute areas.